I know a secret. It's an ugly secret. The US is engaged in the practice of Eugenics. Specifically we are killing, through exposure and neglect, our excess population. The Greeks and Romans would "expose" babies born with defects on cold nights. They would put visibly deformed children out in the weather where cold and/or scavengers would kill them. This practice continues to this day in some parts of the world although people are reluctant to admit it. The US does this to it's "homeless" population. We push them out of available shelter in the hopes that they will die.
Let's be absolutely clear; there is shelter available. In the US there is likely a vacant bedroom for every single homeless person in the nation in housing already built for the rental market or for sale. There are tens of millions of "second homes." There are millions of permanently vacant hotel and motel rooms. There are fleets of boats and motor homes that have "live-aboard" capability. We just refuse to make these resources available for people who don't have access to sufficient cash money.
Homelessness kills. It's a death sentence as sure as some cancers. More so than prostate cancer. Without access to regular shelter and hygiene people die in far higher numbers than comparable populations. This has been proven in multiple studies by epidemiologists controlled for drug and alcohol abuse, presence or lack of various illnesses and other such factors. Preventing people from having regular shelter kills a fat percentage of them. (google your own damn cites you lazy bastard, ok check the footnotes)
We do this on purpose. OK not you, or maybe your small circle of friends but unless you have somebody living rent-free in your garage you are part of the problem. You, too, refuse to shelter these people. You're an Eugenicist just like the Nazi's. You pretend, like good Germans of the 1940's, that everything is ok when your eyes tell you it's not. Constantly dirty people with teeth falling out and open sores aren't going to live long sleeping on concrete. Call it a wild guess.
Add another factor; a huge number of newly employed people are about to lose their benefits. A certain percentage of these people will end up with post-traumatic stress disorder and for all economic purposes be useless as potential employees. Another huge chunk already have addictions and borderline mental illnesses that will become full on cases due to stress. It's a surplus population that isn't going away and we aren't going to find tax money to support.
Why not let them die? We aren't going to support them. Our elites say nasty things about chronically unemployed or they say nice things but refuse to provide the means for minimal needs. We expect them to die if they don't get better. We just don't admit it. Let's give them a break.
Let's build some (ok lots) suicide booths. A recurrent feature in science fiction dramas from Star Trek to the cartoon, Futurama, the idea of suicide booths refuses to go away. Because it's more humane than forcing somebody to sleep on a steam grate until they can catch an appropriate virus. Because it would be cheaper. Because it would be cleaner. Because it would be kinder. Because it WOULD BE MORE HONEST.
OK, there is the problem that somebody YOU care about might make use of one but what's that say about your care of loved ones? Maybe we would take better care of the people in our lives if we knew they had other options than to put up with your shit. Maybe employers would fear the loss of training investments just that little bit more. Maybe families would give weird Uncle Bob that extra call every month. Maybe some of the folks in nursing homes are tired of being left alone.
Finally, in keeping with the theme of this blog; we have a few excess humans on this planet. About five or six billion extra if you ask some biologists. While reductions in birth rates can temper that number an increase in death rate is the only way to bring the human population in balance with the ecosphere. While we're doing a great job of promoting War, Famine and Pestilence deaths are just not keeping up with births. Offering people a clean and painless exit can't hurt matters.
Finally, I'll take the first booth for a test drive. I have a chronic pain problem and the US medical hash-up has no interest in helping it. I'm offered Zombie pills and a firm boot to the curb, thank you. Nobody's going to pay me for writing this shit. As far as our corporate masters are concerned I'm surplus meat waiting to die. Or worse, a subversive who spreads the word that there are alternatives to their game.
I don't really expect to see suicide booths in the near future. I also don't expect that we will be honest about dealing with these people. We're going to punt. Again.
Because we punt on everything these days.
What happens the day all these balls drop?
The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide (http://www.whale.to/b/crow.html)
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I don't know what is going to happen when all these balls drop.
The only thing I know is that they have survived way too long in the air.
Indeed I have become tired of looking up at them.
My neck needs a break.
Mahavir a great spirit was once asked what his opinion on suicide was. His answer wast that it was man's god given right to end his life if it became too much.
But (please note the But) - there was only one correct way to do it and that was to starve oneself.
That way you would have 40 or so days to change your mind. And you would have gone through the process of accepting death which does not happen in most suicides.
But hey, they have had suicide booths for ages - they are owned by both pharma and tobacco.
It's not the fear of death that keeps people here. It's the fear of being trapped in a meat prison by a bungled attempt.
I was shown that our identities transcend death and continue. If you build strongly in life you sail away. If you build poorly you become a hungry ghost and get re-embodied.
There is no hell, no heaven, no judgement not created by ourselves. There is no need to continue suffering or to fear the war dogs of our masters if we just once see the gate has always been open.
"This practice" ... goes all the way back to pangea. and beyond eh?
Well it does if you're an eagle. The big eagle chick tosses the little eagle chick over the side.
One of the benefits of being human is usually quoted as being something other than spare meat to other humans when we're injured. More of that:'We're better than the animals' bullpucky that gets passed around as truth.
We can be self-delusional carnivores and the seeds of enlightened beings at the same time but toys like nuclear weapons, greenhouse gases, genetic engineering seem to demand that we learn our buddha nature toots sweet.
I have had family and friends in my house when they were homeless.
Most of the homeless DO live with other people. They're not counted as homeless, but they are.
Face it. The ones on the streets usually are weeded out, as you put it. Their families are fed up with them, their friends don't have room
they can't get jobs because their social skills are poor.
I don't want them in my house. That's why I pay taxes. I am willing to contribute a small amount, which, when pooled with everyone else, could pay for a SRO lodging for the unemployable unpleasant.
Unfortunately, my taxes pay for the rich, instead. And for killing people in other countries.
A 12'x10' room with a mini bath or campground bathroom within 50 yards is all people really need. When you think of the tiny cost of this kind of housing compared to a single weeks hospitalization (common with homeless) then it becomes clear what is happening.
The Nazi's had "Work Makes (you) Free" written on the gates to Auschwitz and other death camps. It's no mistake that George H.W. Bush, son of Nazi supporter, Prescott Bush, was vice president when "homelessness" exploded in the US.
The homeless are there as threat to low wage workers. It's proven to be cheaper to house them than leave them on the street. Wage labor is wage slavery in the US.
I think you need to need to live in Edmonton for a while to know what cold actually is. It's -20F there as I write this. And there are lots of homeless there. And they survive-- I know because I'd give the same ones money or hot coffee or food year after year.
Yeah, but it's a dry cold.
Fog will kill you just as dead at 10º C if you get wet. If becomes almost impossible to dry out and things go bad from there. Locally it's been chilling fog, day after day. Bleah.
Not the point anyway. Humans are social creatures and being out-caste is as deadly as being denied food and clean water for some of us. The whole thing is a taboo subject. The MSM would rather dither endlessly about some nut with explosive underwear.
Guess which hazard is likely to get you or somebody you care about.
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